ENGS 025 ESL Vocabulary Development

This course is designed to give ESL students the opportunity to round out their vocabulary in preparation for academic study. This is done with a combination of a topical approach to vocabulary and a process of personal discovery of vocabulary needs. Limited to ESL students



General Education Competency

[GE Core type]

ENGS 025ESL Vocabulary Development

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


English, Languages, and Philosophy

II. Course Specification

Course Type


General Education Competency

[GE Core type]

Credit Hours Narrative




III. Catalog Course Description

This course is designed to give ESL students the opportunity to round out their vocabulary in preparation for academic study. This is done with a combination of a topical approach to vocabulary and a process of personal discovery of vocabulary needs. Limited to ESL students

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

VI. Delivery Methodologies