ASOM 385 Industry Internship Experience

This course allows the student to apply learning to real-life career possibilities. Students will utilize a current job in industry or a temporary work experience/internship opportunity to advance their knowledge and understanding aided by a real-world working context. Written learning objectives agreed upon by the student, the instructor, and the employer will be the basis for evaluating, grading, and granting of credit. May be repeated for up to 6 credits per bachelor's degree; with 3 credits replacing ASOM 480 - Operations Management Projects. Program admission is required.


3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


Semester Contact Hours Clinical

96 (32-hours per credit)


Instructor Permission Required

ASOM 385Industry Internship Experience

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


II. Course Specification

Course Type


Credit Hours Narrative

3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


Semester Contact Hours Clinical

96 (32-hours per credit)

Prerequisite Narrative

Instructor Permission Required



III. Catalog Course Description

This course allows the student to apply learning to real-life career possibilities. Students will utilize a current job in industry or a temporary work experience/internship opportunity to advance their knowledge and understanding aided by a real-world working context. Written learning objectives agreed upon by the student, the instructor, and the employer will be the basis for evaluating, grading, and granting of credit. May be repeated for up to 6 credits per bachelor's degree; with 3 credits replacing ASOM 480 - Operations Management Projects. Program admission is required.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Summarize how alternative management methodologies can be used to augment operations management.
  • Demonstrate content knowledge appropriate to the job assignment.
  • Exhibit evidence of increased content knowledge gained through practical experience.
  • Describe the nature and function of the organization in which the internship experience takes place.
  • Reflect upon the process, skills learned, mistakes made, etc. Through the completion of a reflection paper.

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

VI. Delivery Methodologies