EETC 230 Electronic Fabrication

An introduction to the design of printed circuit boards and packaging with emphasis on the design, simulation, analysis and packaging of circuits.

Laboratory activities include the design, construction, and testing of prototype circuit boards. CAD programs will be used for the design and layout of circuit boards.


3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


EETC 230Electronic Fabrication

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


Engineering, Physical, and Computer Sciences Academic

II. Course Specification

Course Type


Credit Hours Narrative

3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


III. Catalog Course Description

An introduction to the design of printed circuit boards and packaging with emphasis on the design, simulation, analysis and packaging of circuits.

Laboratory activities include the design, construction, and testing of prototype circuit boards. CAD programs will be used for the design and layout of circuit boards.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Create documentation required to manufacture a project.
  • Use design software to layout a printed circuit board from a schematic.
  • Produce a printed circuit board from a layout master.
  • Design and fabricate an enclosure for an electronic project.
  • Assemble and troubleshoot a complete electronic project.
  • Work effectively in teams.
  • Develop and deliver oral presentations.

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

VI. Delivery Methodologies