Collision Repair Technology - Intermediate Technical Certificate

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in general welding safety, GMA (MIG) welding, oxyacetylene welding/cutting/heating, and plasma arc cutting (AUTB 130).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in basic circuitry, wiring schematics, diagnosis and servicing of electrical/electronic components and active/passive restraint systems (AUTB 136).

Demonstrate knowledge of basic shop routines, manuals, tools, vehicle construction, parts terminology, repair documentation and general shop safety (AUTB 150).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in identifying, repairing/replacing/adjustment of auto body components (AUTB 151).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in metal bumping, straightening, metal finishing, metal shrinking, using heat as a corrective force, application and shaping of body fillers and application of pre-coats, primers, etc. (AUTB 152).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in identifying/repairing types of plastics and popular composite auto body components using plastic welding and/or adhesive repair materials (AUTB 155).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in repairing and completing projects from start to finish, including estimating repair costs, ordering parts and materials, repairing and refinishing the project and delivering to the owner (AUTB 158).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in sanding, masking, metal treatment, priming, basecoat/clear coat application, color matching, color blending, equipment maintenance and safe handling/application of refinishing materials (AUTB 163).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in diagnostics, measurement, and repair of mechanical and structural components of modern vehicles, including suspension, steering, HVAC, brakes, computerized measuring, and welding of HSS steel (AUTB 166).

Major Code: 4520T

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

AUTB 103Detailing and Polishing

2 Credits

AUTB 130Introduction to Welding for Collision Repair*

1 Credit

AUTB 130LIntro. to Welding for Collision Repair Lab*

2 Credits

AUTB 150Introduction to Collision Repair Safety

2 Credits

AUTB 152Minor Collision Repair*

1 Credit

AUTB 152LMinor Collision Repair Lab*

2 Credits

AUTB 155Plastic & Adhesives

2 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

AUTB 136Electrical & Components

4 Credits

AUTB 151Panel Repair Replacement & Adjustment

4 Credits

AUTB 163Painting & Refinishing

4 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits


COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits


Summer Semester Freshman Year

AUTB 166Structural Repairs

5 Credits

SOCS GEAny Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits


*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 38