SOCY 102 Social Problems

Examines some of the primary forms of deviance and social disorganization which face our society at the present time. Emphasizes the problems which face American society in particular, including crime, alcoholism, problems of the elderly, racial prejudice, over urbanization and others. In the discussion of a specific problem, there will be an attempt to examine basic causes, ultimate effects on both individual and society, and possible solutions.


3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


SOCY 102Social Problems

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


Social Science

II. Course Specification

Course Type

Program Requirement

Credit Hours Narrative

3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Grading Method

Letter grade



III. Catalog Course Description

Examines some of the primary forms of deviance and social disorganization which face our society at the present time. Emphasizes the problems which face American society in particular, including crime, alcoholism, problems of the elderly, racial prejudice, over urbanization and others. In the discussion of a specific problem, there will be an attempt to examine basic causes, ultimate effects on both individual and society, and possible solutions.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Understand how sociologists define and research social problems.
  • Be familiar with the typical stages of a social problem.
  • Think critically and apply sociological theory to social problems.
  • Measure the strengths and weaknesses of competing explanations of social problems, including those focusing on individual, cultural, and social explanations.
  • Analyze statistics on causes and consequences of social problems and participate in discussions on how to solve specific social problems.
  • Apply your sociological perspective to social problems found throughout the world.
  • Develop an awareness of how the larger social structure contributes to the creation of social problems.

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

The difference between a personal problem, public issues, and social problems How values and goals influence social problems Service learning An investigation into the causes and solutions of a variety of social problems – including but not limited to – Societal level economic problems, poverty, inequality, family problems, education, crime/punishment, and environmental problems.

VI. Delivery Methodologies

Required Assignments

Reading response papers Social problem group project Presentation 6-8 hour service learning project

Required Exams

Lecture and chapter quizzes Final exam/project

Required Text

Finsterbusch, Kurt, ed. 2014. Annual Editions: Social Problems 13/14. 40th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements

Reading response papers Social problem group project Presentation 6-8 hour service learning project Lecture and chapter quizzes Final exam/project